Year 6
Welcome to Year 6!
In the autumn term, the children will have the opportunity to study and discuss the text
‘Brightstorm’ by local Sussex author, Vashti Hardy. They use the engage, plan, draft,
review and celebrate process to support their writing in different genres, including a short description, letter, narrative and factfile.
In history, the children study life in Victorian Britain and will explore the differences in the lives of poor Victorian children compared to their lives today, particularly focusing on early reforms leading to education for all. To develop the children’s understanding of what life was like for poor Victorian children, there will be a visit from Rainbow Theatre to learn about the various jobs that children were made to do during these times and the children will participate in the drama and discussions around the issues of the time.
The children will also link their history with their ICT knowledge and skills in developing a website all about Queen Victoria. In science, the children learn all about ‘living things’ and conduct their own collaborative investigations by growing plants and studying the impact of changing variables on their successful growth.
In the spring term, our topic is ‘World of Change’ in which we further develop our humanities knowledge.
The main text that is examined is ‘Private Peaceful’ by Michael Morpurgo. The children will aim to master descriptive writing in the form of a diary about a character from the text and informative writing based on our research of WW1 trenches. They will also be studying and drafting their own WW1 poetry, as well as writing a short suspense story called The Dive.
Through our shared reading, discussions and debates using their talk skills, the children will learn all about WWI, how European countries formed alliances and the impact the war made on communities across the world.
Our enrichment this term is linked to our geography learning, in which the children will be working collaboratively in groups to research energy, trade and wind power through our trip to Rampion Wind Farm Visitor Centre, Brighton. Parents/carers are invited in to see the presentations that the groups produce as they enquire about how renewable energy works and how important it is for our communities.
In science, the children are learning to classify living things into groups, investigating together the circulatory system of the heart and developing understanding of the impact of diet and a healthy lifestyle.
In art lessons, the children will be studying Pop Art and working towards creating their own masterpiece, whilst in DT they will be building their own mechanical vehicle. For more information about all our curriculum topics, see the topic map for the spring term.
In the summer term, we will be preparing the children to transfer to high school at the end of Y6. Their topic of ‘Ancient Greece’ involves the children working together to research and enquire into city states, Greek gods and monsters, and the origins of democracy. This final term will also be packed with many transition activities building opportunities for team work, life skills and celebration of the culmination of children’s time at primary school. They will develop greater understanding of healthy relationships and sex education, as well as participate in a wide range of fun and challenging adventures during TAB Fest '24. The children will enjoy a range of leavers' events in the last week term - more information will be provided closer to the time. In this final term, there will be increasing opportunities for children to learn in a more self-directed and self-evaluative way to help them to prepare them for high school.
Year 6 holds a strong commitment to helping the children to develop lifelong learning skills such as collaboration, independent thinking skills and perseverance. Many opportunities are planned for children to develop and practice these skills throughout each term and time is given for the children to reflect on how they are progressing as learners and how they can articulate what they need to do next to improve and understand how they, personally, learn best. Our increasing opportunities for children to learn in a more self-directed and self-evaluative way helps to prepare them for high school.
Of course, during year 6 the children will sit the National Curriculum tests that take place in May. However, our aim is to make the test situation as stress-free as possible whilst at the same time ensuring the children feel prepared and are able to show the best of their knowledge, skills and understanding.
Overall, year 6 is an exciting year with many opportunities for the children to have greater involvement in the running of the school and planning of the curriculum. Children experience the chance to be involved in extracurricular activities, leadership roles and many other experiences that will help to prepare them for high school…and beyond.
The Year 6 Team
Curriculum Overview
Year 6 Welcome Meeting Presentation
Coming Soon
TAB Fest '25
Coming Soon
Information on Applying to Secondary School
Please find below the information regarding applying to Secondary School.
Admissions PosterAdmissions LeafletSEND Information Service FlyerTransfer to Secondary School Letter to Parents Final Application for Secondary School Checklist