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Thomas A Becket Junior School

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Curriculum Intent

The Thomas A Becket Way is at the heart of our curriculum.



Our ambitious and aspirational curriculum is designed to inspire a commitment to a lifelong love of learning. Our creative curriculum underpinned by key skills, knowledge and understanding and high quality teaching and provision, connects meaningful and relevant learning experiences which allow children to shine. Thus enabling them to develop as successful learners, confident individuals, responsible citizens, whilst developing their capabilities to the full; learning to respect others, expressing themselves with fluency and confidence, and understanding the world in which they live.


We believe it is vital that the learning within the curriculum supports the development of self-confidence, inter-dependence, co-operation and high self-esteem.  We try to maximise each child’s learning potential by recognising and celebrating children’s differences; by providing appropriate motivation, adaptation and personalisation through our teaching and provision. Key to our curriculum is the use of high quality books and texts which inspire a love of reading and help children to use their imagination and develop their own creativity.  We aim to provide exciting, memorable experiences which support the development of  the personal qualities needed to succeed in life and become confident and creative thinkers.


Our curriculum embraces a wide variety of enrichment opportunities that offer each child challenge, enjoyment and success. It is an inclusive curriculum that carefully considers and celebrates the uniqueness and individual needs of all our children.  We strive to ensure that wellbeing is at the heart of everything we do and believe that positive mental health is key to everyone’s well being and quality of life.  We are passionate about making a difference to the lives of young people by teaching emotional health through our curriculum and have developed a graduated response to social, emotional and mental health in order to meet the needs of the children at our school. This builds their resilience, allowing our children to respond effectively to the challenges that daily life brings.


A love of learning underpins our curriculum.  We believe an essential feature of learning is knowing how to learn. We aim to ensure that children have the confidence to take the initiative and to take risks whilst also being able to reflect on and improve their learning so they can thrive when facing new challenges.

If you would like to find out more about the curriculum being followed please contact Mrs Z Borley (Assistant Headteacher) or Mrs Karen Wise (Assistant Headteacher) via office@tabjunior.org.uk or using the contact form on the website.